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Our Specialties
Our small group is offering their expertise in the following area.

Medical Ministry
“What, then, is the example that we are to set to the world? We are to do the same work that the great Medical Missionary undertook in our behalf. We are to follow the path of self-sacrifice trodden by Christ.” Medical Ministry, 20.

Singing Ministry
“Music forms a part of God’s worship in the courts above, and we should endeavor, in our songs of praise, to approach as nearly as possible to the harmony of the heavenly choirs. The proper training of the voice is an important feature in education and should not be neglected. Singing, as a part of religious service, is as much an act of worship as is prayer. The heart must feel the spirit of the song to give it right expression.” Patriarch and Prophets, 594.

Children’s Ministry
“Teachers may learn a lesson from the experience of the farmer who placed the food for his sheep in a crib so high that the young of the flock could not reach it. Some teachers present the truth to their students in a similar manner. They place the crib so high that those whom they teach cannot reach the food. They forget that the students have only a small part of the opportunity that they have had to gain a knowledge of God. They are too high up on the ladder to reach down a helping hand, warm with tenderness and love and deep, earnest interest. Let them step down and by their manner say to the students: “I will no longer stand so far above you…” Counsels to Parents, Teachers and Students, 435.
Thank You!
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Haughton Court, Lucea P.O, Hanover, Jamaica, W.I.
(876) 275-2541
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