The hierarchy of man’s nature allows for an order that has reason as its head, moral as its second in command and the lower passions at the third and final round. Through the entrance of sin on this earth man has experienced a reorganization of this said hierarchy. In this revised version the lower passions is who’s at the head; reason and morality follows in the round. The lower passion is where our feelings and emotions are housed and these were never to be our guide and master…sin has facilitated this change, however; but even this change needs a change.
The above change can only be accomplished through the study of the written word. It is written, thou shalt not tempt the Lord God. It is written, man shall not live by bread only but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God shall man live. It is written thou shalt worship the Lord God and Him only shalt thou serve. Christ overcame by the power of the word. This word has the power to sanctify, close up heaven and cause that it rain not and to make a stony heart flesh. This word also has the ability to reassign the correct roles to the parts of our nature. When reason and conscience are exercised through the study of the prophetic word, the lower passions learn of its subservience to them. Whichever of these divine muscles are used the most, the same is assigned a higher role. Why not study the prophetic word and allow reason and religion to reassume its role in the hierarchy? How did Christ overcome the satanic clamors of lower passions? By a thus saith the Lord; an it is written. Man shall not live by bread only but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God shall man live…and this holds true too for his rightly assigned nature. It lives by the word of God. Do you dare to not study?
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